
Things to Consider When Buying a Chainsaw


Buying a chainsaw is a big decision — and one that shouldn't be taken lightly. Here are four things to consider before you buy. 1. What size do you need? Chainsaws come in all different sizes, from small cordless models that are good for light pruning to massive gas-powered saws that can take down a tree. Think about the types of projects you'll be using it for, and choose a saw that's appropriately sized.

10 February 2023

Top Tips for Buying Topsoil


If you need topsoil for your garden, then you might be facing the potentially confusing process of buying soil in bulk from a garden supplier. The type of soil you need depends on what you plan to use it for. The following guide will hopefully help you to make the right purchase decision.  1. Choosing Topsoil for Turf If you plan to lay turf on top of your new soil, then almost any general-purpose topsoil should be up to the task.

22 November 2021

Two Common Mistakes People Make When They Buy Their First Ride-On Mowers


Here are the mistakes that people usually make after buying their first ride-on mower. They drive too quickly without first assessing their lawn Whilst there is nothing wrong with using a ride-on mower at its top speed in most circumstances (in fact, the speed of this gardening equipment is one of its best qualities), new owners of this machinery will often make the mistake of driving their mower at full speed across their lawn before they've fully assessed this area of the garden.

12 March 2021

Two tips for those who are doing big solo garden projects in rural locations


If you need to overhaul a large garden which is in quite a rural location, and you'll be taking on this task alone, you might want to take a moment and jot down these tips. Get the soil delivered instead of transporting it in your own vehicle This type of big garden project will require you to use lots of gardening tools and supplies, which you will need to transport to the garden.

16 June 2020

Benefits of Using a Garden Supply Delivery Service for Your Seasonal Landscaping


Most homeowners change and upgrade their landscape each season. This may mean simply changing the mulch or changing the flowers. For some, it means a full seasonal change to add curb appeal to their home. For many, this means making trips to the local garden supply store. There are other choices. One of those choices is to use a garden supply delivery service. Here are some of the benefits to using this option for your seasonal landscaping needs.

21 May 2019

Creative Advantages of a Vertical Garden for Your Home


With yards becoming smaller and apartment living becoming more common, it is getting harder for one to enjoy a day in the garden. This past time has been fading in recent years. Thankfully there is a solution in vertical gardens. Here are some of the creative advantages of a vertical garden for your home. Put Small Areas to Use With the size of living space decreasing, a vertical garden can help in a big way.

19 March 2019

The Pros and Cons of Hover Lawnmowers


Much as its name suggests, the hover mower creates a cushion of air between lawn and mower. As such, hover mowers use no wheels, and they often have a circular shape instead of the rectangular one favoured by other mowers of similar size. If you're thinking of buying a new mower, you might want to take the pros and cons of hover mowers into account to see if one will meet your requirements.

5 April 2017

Size Selection Guide for Skip Bin Renters


Skip bins come in a selection of sizes, and it is critical for every skip bin renter to choose a correct size bin before making their order to a skip bin rental company. Ordering a bin that is too large would simply mean paying extra for nothing, while choosing a bin that is too small may mean ordering for a second or larger bin, which would cost more money. In case you need any help choosing a right size skip bin for an upcoming gardening project, here is a useful guide for you.

5 April 2017